How would I describe to you the DNA of VPBC?

I’m sure that like many other churches, we simply set out to be the people of God within the community that we live: a place where He rules and influences all that we do. We don’t always get it right, so we are dependent on God’s grace and always open to His spirit leading and guiding us. However, like all churches we have a particular flavour or emphasis. I hope this helps give some idea as to what makes us ‘us’ and what we believe.

We believe that we are saved by God’s grace: God’s love and mercy in action to us through Jesus. This undeserved  gift of grace is something we depend on every day. As God’s instruments, Christ lives His life in us and through us. We believe that when we fully understand God’s grace, then we learn to rest in Him and all we want to do is live our lives for Him, not because we have to, but because we want to. This we believe is the truth that sets us free.

Victoria Point Baptist Church is committed to the biblical picture of the Church being a family.  We believe God

(as our Father) expects His Church to pursue and display family characteristics and values – such as love, acceptance, forgiveness, sacrifice, tolerance, concern for the future generations and a mutual respect and accountability between generations.

As a family we look to the Bible as God’s primary word to us on how to live. We emphasise good relationships rather than rules as we work together in obedience to Him; a family of God both in name and nature.  We accept that God’s greatest gift to us is Jesus Christ and His second greatest gift is each other.

We would love for you to join us as we share this good news together. 

Pastor Paul Curtis